Circle of Trust Blu-ray & DVD Subscription
- Our next 10 Oscilloscope releases on DVD or Blu-ray straight to your mailbox
- DVDs / Blu-rays will arrive about one week before the film is in stores or online
- Makes for a great gift for anyone who likes movies.
- Every catalog title available at a 50% discount.
- Additional complimentary bonuses have included books, patented O-Scope pocket protectors, collectible trading cards (no rock-hard bubble gum!), and other stuff we've found in the laboratory.
-Dedicated Circle Of Trust concierge. A live human being in the United States. Here to answer any questions regarding your Circle of Trust membership or your life at large. Movie recommendations and sex life advice all the same.
Retail Price $140 for Blu-ray & $120 for DVD
Past Circle of Trust DVDs and Blu-rays have included The Messenger, Meek's Cutoff, Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale, and Exit Through the Gift Shop.
**Only available in the United States and Canada, not eligible for sale or discounts**