Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile - Lotta Sea Lice Vinyl
A conversation between friends, documented in raw, unvarnished song form, brimming with personal history, crackling with energy and shot through with humour - this is the collaborative album of Courtney Barnett and Kurt Vile.Two of the most acclaimed and gifted song writers of our generation Lotta Sea Lice also sees them roping in friends such as Dirty Three, Stella from Warpaint and Mick Harvey to create a body of work that sounds organic and candid. Their shared chemistry is immediately apparent in the breathtaking jam of opener and first single Over Everything, while Continental Breakfast showcases a more melodic side as the two harmonise over finger-picked acoustic guitars. The two pay homage to 90’s cult heroes Belly with a gorgeous cover of their classic Untogether and even celebrate their mutual respect by covering each other’s music later in the album. This is an intimate glimpse into the shared musical world of Courtney Barnett and Kurt Vile. - Rough Trade
KURT VILE: We ran into each other on the road in various continents and talked about the recordings. I guess it wasn't till i had another tour booked for the following summer in Australia that we thought we should record as much as we can, no major goal to make it a full length but it came together that way because the vibe was so strong. I love working with Courtney, the collaboration was laid back with less pressure.
COURTNEY BARNETT: Now we finished the album, we dreamt up an amazing band which we've called THE SEA LICE (inspired by a Stella Mozgawa beach-side-story) and me n Kurt will be standing there out front with our guitars singing songs together. Songs from this album we did, a handful of our own songs from previous albums, maybe some old folk songs n what not. Harmonies and guitarmonies galore. Very collaborative. Lotta Sea Lice is the result of 8 days in the studio spread over almost 15 months when Courtney and Kurt's respective touring schedules allowed for them to be in the same place at the same time.
Track List:
- Over Everything
- Let It Go
- Fear Is Like a Forest
- Outta the Woodwork
- Continental Breakfast
- On Script
- Blue Cheese
- Peepin' Tom
- Untogether